Sex Offenders Employ Simple Techniques to Change Identity

Sexual offenses – particularly those against children – are among the most reprehensible of crimes. Two techniques that sex offenders use to escape detection from the law are manipulating their ID and residing at addresses other than those reported to authorities, a nationwide study found.

Donald Rebovich, Ph.D., professor of criminal justice and executive director of the Center for Identity Management and Information Protection (CIMIP) at Utica College, conducted the study, “Hiding in Plain Sight? A Nationwide Study of the Use of Identity Manipulation by Registered Sex Offenders.” Rebovich worked in conjunction with researchers from the University of Massachusetts-Lowell and ID Analytics, to study how sex offenders avoid registration/tracking under sex offender reporting/tracking systems. The data, which came from the National Sex Offender Registry maintained through the FBI and included cases from all 50 states, was analyzed to determine how often sex offenders manipulated their ID to escape detection, as well as the methods they used to do so.

Findings indicated that several of the most frequently used methods to avoid tracking included using multiple aliases, using various identifying information such as social security numbers and date of birth, stealing identifying information from family members, manipulating their names, using the address of family members or friends, altering their physical appearance, or moving to another state with less stringent laws.

“While the frequency of ID manipulation by sex offenders was lower than initially expected, it is still a matter of grave concern,” said Rebovich. “Given the sheer volume of registered sex offenders throughout the U.S., it is likely that tens of thousands of sex offenders are flying under the radar by employing simple methods to avoid effective tracking.”

The management and control of known sex offenders has become a national, state and local priority, Rebovich said.

Full Press Release / Full Report

Related?: Researchers win $1m grant for Sex Offender Registration and Tracking study

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Wow. This “study” is geared to backup AWA/SORNA. It IS a conclusion to a bogus problem. Is it research? Yes. Loosely. Is it accurate? Hardly.

I state this because: Many states have NOT accepted AWA/SORNA. The Federal government wants 100% acceptance – so they are using this bogus study with the help of the FBI (read a push by the attorney general and the balance of the cabinet) to come up with a “scientific” study that can only be solved by widespread analytics, real-time tracking and Federal support. In other words, if you are not AWA, we cannot help you with the ever increasing numbers of registrants that are trying to hide.

Another way to look at this is: RSOL as a whole, and in CA in particular – is winning.

According to Bloomberg Business- Dr. Stephen Coggeshall goes by an alias as “Steve, PHD” – and supposedly is headquartered in San Diego. Yes, he can have an alias because it helps him. Us poor and subhuman SO’s cannot have anything that allows us a semblance at a normal life.

Steve PHD is actually a rocket scientist. Moved from quantum physics into this craptacular field because he’s making money. Lots of it.

I can speak about research projects because I used to be on a human subjects review board at a university for 5 years. I specialized in Federally Funded Prison Research (in other words, research involving prison inmates). All I did was review the proposed projects and made sure they followed Federal guidelines on prison research to make sure prisoners were not taken advantage of by the study – as they are a separate population. I never saw any research on SO’s at the specific University. I saw a lot of drug court research – which after 5-6 years has culminated in the Federal government (thank you Eric Holder) to streamline drug cases and validate that the USA is spending too much money on marijuana cases – ergo the push for legalized MJ.

Yes, the USA has determined that it is better to make money from legalizing pot than punishing small-time people and spending too much money in the process in the court/prison system.

Sorry for the rant. My graduate degree and experience gets in the way.

Go Janice! You Rock! Loved talking to you in Texas.

Most everything that I read in the comments are very informative it helps persons to understand what it’s all about But the major majority of persons who are reading the comments are mostly members . We all know the score it’s the general public and lawyers and Judges and police officers and so on and so on .
Get this information on Yahoo or Facebook or Twitter or YouTube (on sites that people turn to be) into the media go on radio talk shows etc.

Let the general population know that sexual abuse is bad it’s wrong but thousands upon thousands of persons make a bad judgement and it is a very old saying that is a all Pedofiles and SvP are sex offenders but some 97.5 percent of all sex offenders are NOT Pedofiles and Predators . It

there are fewer Sex Offenders in this country than there are Gang Members, Drug Dealers, Hate Group members, Murderers, Strong Armed Robbers, Drug Addicts, Pimps( whom ironically enough are worse than most Sex Offenders because they are Sexual Predators of the worst type), organized Crime syndicates and cartels, Prostitutes, Drunk drivers who kill people when they drive, kidnappers, human traffickers (of various types). Why are they not required to register since they are ALL worse than your run of the mill non violent sex offender whom makes a mistake once in their life and serves their time?
then those same people are persecuted in and out of prison for the rest of their lives?